You went to the doctor expecting them to take care of your baby; instead, your child was hurt. An Albuquerque birth injury attorney at Will Ferguson & Associates wants to see that you, and your child, receive justice for birth injury medical malpractice.
As a parent, you want what’s best for your child at all times, starting from the moment of their birth. Doctors also care about the health of the babies they treat, but sometimes they make mistakes that cause your child harm.
If a doctor was negligent or engaged in wrongful behavior that caused your baby to suffer a birth injury, you might be able to hold them legally accountable in Albuquerque.
You don’t want any other babies harmed because of a careless doctor or unsafe medical procedures. Your injury claim could bring about changes in medical procedures or regulations that could prevent other babies from being harmed. Contact an Albuquerque birth injury lawyer at our firm to learn more about bringing a birth injury claim.
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Unfortunately, birth doesn’t always go as planned. Sometimes, a birth injury is not the doctor’s fault. It’s important for you to understand that the doctor must have been negligent in some way for you to have a case against them. Doctors can make mistakes that cause birth injuries, and you could go after them through a civil claim in that situation.
For example, if you told your doctor that you weren’t feeling well during the delivery or birth but the doctor didn’t have your concerns looked into, you could sue if something went wrong. You will need to prove that the birth injury occurred because the doctor didn’t address your health concerns.
Your ABQ birth injury attorney can assist you with figuring out whether you have a case. Here are some examples of common birth injuries brought about by medical negligence:
Medical treatment for a birth injury is expensive. You likely hope to receive monetary compensation so you can pay for the harm that has been done to your child. In addition, your child might have suffered physical health effects, and you might be suffering emotionally, as well. Your ABQ birth injury lawyer can help you to file a claim for these damages.
Your child’s injury could affect them for life, and you might need the money from a successful claim to pay for their medical expenses and treatment. The medical provider who caused your baby harm should be held accountable for what they’ve done.
Reach out to an Albuquerque birth injury lawyer and tell them about your claim and your goals. They might be able to help you get the justice and financial compensation you’re looking for. Will Ferguson & Associates can be reached by using the online contact form down below or by calling our firm directly at 505-594-3712.
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333 Rio Rancho Boulevard Northeast Rio Rancho, NM
333 Rio Rancho Boulevard Northeast Rio Rancho, NM