Motor vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists intersect at busy street corners, all traveling at varying speeds and often in at least four distinct directions. Although there are lamps, signals, signs, indicators, dividers, and other devices to assist individuals in crossing the street safely, intersections continue to be among the most hazardous locations on Albuquerque's roadways and one of the most frequently occurring locations for accidents and fatalities.
State officials and traffic experts documented over 450 road fatalities in New Mexico over the last year alone, many of them taking place at intersections. That said, taking the right precautions and steps before it happens can ensure you have the best chance of staying safe at intersections and beyond.
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Per the Insurance Institute of Highway Safety, there were over 33,000 fatal accidents in the United States, nearly 370 of which happened in New Mexico, and roughly 30% of which took place at intersections. The most frequent causes of these New Mexico intersection accidents are:
The most hazardous types of intersections are T-intersections and four-way intersections. Albuquerque's grid-like configuration results in the majority of roads entering a four-way intersection from a perpendicular direction. When the traffic signal is in operation, drivers should only proceed through four ways when they have a green light or when there is a clear and secure option to make a right turn (after a complete stop) on a red light.
The order in which vehicles arrive at four-way intersections without traffic signals determines their right of way. Likewise, the right of way is always granted to vehicles on the main roadway in a T-intersection.
However, there are a myriad of ways to define what makes an intersection dicey or dangerous. The following are Albuquerque intersections with a history of major or fatal accidents, according to the Albuquerque Police Department:
Never presume or overestimate the behavior of other drivers. It doesn't always follow that the car in front of you will accelerate when the light turns green, so ensure you hold the brakes until you see the lead driver moving. As a rule of thumb, it's generally advisable to aim to see four to five vehicles ahead of you to avoid being caught off guard.
And, when you're turning, attempt to glance over your shoulder to check whether somebody is coming over on the opposite side. The most frequent sites for accidents are those in the middle of the intersection, as one motorist runs a red light or another fails to yield, for example.
Ultimately, the best form of prevention is preparation on the road. For instance, we should all be aware that it is highly dangerous to text and drive. However, this does not exclude the usage of phones in defensive driving situations. You may use applications on your phone to set up reminders for these important inspections, helping you to keep your vehicle up to date on tire changes, oil changes, and other essential maintenance tasks. At the same time, keep your phone out of your line of sight while driving to prevent the error of becoming distracted by it. To avoid being enticed by the sound of an incoming phone or text, set it to Airplane or Do Not Disturb mode if it's required for GPS or music.
Unfortunately, car accidents at intersections are still sometimes unavoidable, no matter how attentive you are to the road and your surroundings. You should have a plan of action in place, just in case: making arrangements in advance, such as notifying relatives and friends or phoning the police and an Albuquerque accident lawyer, can help you remain composed under pressure and prevent, for instance, unintentionally taking the blame for a drunk driver who ran a red light. In fact, state law stipulates that the involved parties are required to contact authorities in New Mexico as quickly as they can.
In the meantime, remember not to discuss any injuries or accident faults with police officers or insurance adjusters until you've retained legal assistance. An auto accident attorney can act as your point person with third parties and guide you through the claim process so that you do not inadvertently admit fault, miss deadlines, or forget any necessary documentation you need.
No matter the circumstances surrounding each specific crash, auto accidents are catastrophic at intersections and beyond, and it's common for victims to shoulder the brunt of the aftereffects. For this reason and more, if you've suffered injuries from a negligent driver in New Mexico, you should promptly contact an experienced attorney to protect your legal rights.
In the event that a reckless motorist has injured you or a loved one in an area car crash, please get in touch with Will Ferguson & Associates for a free initial consultation. Contact our Albuquerque car accident attorneys at (505) 243-5566 to learn more about your eligibility for compensation.
If we determine that you and your family have a viable claim for recompense, we will handle all aspects of your case. Do not delay reaching out for the seasoned legal guidance you deserve from our experienced, compassionate accident attorneys. Contact our New Mexico personal injury lawyers for a no-cost, no-obligation consultation to discuss the circumstances surrounding your auto accident today.
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333 Rio Rancho Boulevard Northeast Rio Rancho, NM