Albuquerque, NM - Fatal Car Accident on Atrisco Vista Boulevard near Central Ave

Albuquerque, NM (May 21, 2023) - A car crash happened in Albuquerque on Sunday morning, May 21. The wreck ended in at least one fatality, according to reports.

Emergency responders were dispatched to the crash site to render aid. It happened near Atriso Vista Boulevard and Central Avenue when vehicles collided for reasons still under investigation. 

Multiple responders were observed at the scene, including police, EMTs, and fire crews. The roadway was blocked for an extended period of time, causing traffic delays to occur in the area. 

Authorities in Albuquerque are working to determine the cause of the accident. No other details are available to report at this time. 

Our thoughts are with everyone affected by this car crash in Albuquerque. 

Car Accidents in Albuquerque

Every year, millions of car crashes happen in the United States. On average, over 6 million vehicle collisions occur throughout the country every year. These crashes injure more than 3 million people and take the lives of approximately 40,000 annually - and these numbers only continue to rise. The reasons auto collisions occur vary, however, the most common contributor to car accidents in the United States is currently driver negligence. Driver negligence comes in countless forms, including: 

  • Distraction: Drivers have more reasons than ever to be distracted these days – but most of the time, they are looking down at their smartphones, talking on the phone, or texting. Texting and driving is the most prevalent cause of auto collisions in the United States. 
  • Speeding: Drivers often travel at unsafe speeds, which can result in catastrophic and even deadly auto accidents. 
  • Fatigue: Driving while fatigued is equivalent to driving while intoxicated; your eyesight, reaction time, and judgment can become impaired, which are all vital for safe driving. 
  • Intoxication: Drivers who choose to engage in mind/mood-altering substances and get behind the wheel put themselves and others at serious risk for injuries or even death. 

On average, over 400,000 car accidents happen per year due to the actions of distracted drivers. Additionally, speeding contributes to about 11,000 fatalities annually, and driver fatigue causes about 100,000 car crashes each year. Overall, these statistics and facts relay the fact that driver negligence is a serious problem and needs to be addressed head-on by individuals and officials alike. 

When you or someone you love has been hurt in a car crash caused by a negligent driver, you have options. You deserve to be able to recover without having to worry about money. When you call the law office of Will Ferguson & Associates, you will be connected with a skilled and experienced car crash lawyer in Albuquerque who can help you recover. Our firm works to help injured crash victims get the financial support they need and deserve during the trying time that often follows serious car crashes. You can collect financial compensation for the expenses that stem from your crash, like medical bills, wage loss, vehicle repairs, and more. 

If you have lost someone you love in a crash caused by negligence, you should contact a wrongful death attorney in Albuquerque who can help you get the compensation you need to pay for the expenses that stem from your family member’s accident. 

Call the law office of Will Ferguson & Associates at (505) 243-5566 to learn more about how we can help you. 


Note: This post was created specifically utilizing secondary sources. It is to be used independently by Will Ferguson & Associates. Our team has not autonomously verified the information used by these news sources and, if any information seems to be inaccurate, please reach out and let us know so we can immediately make corrections as they become necessary.
Disclaimer: At Will Ferguson & Associates, it is our goal to honor the victims of the nightmarish accidents that often take place in New Mexico. We would also like to familiarize the public with ways they can avoid a similar fate and what they can do, should the unthinkable happen. The information contained within this article is not to be viewed as any type of medical or legal advice. The photographs depicted in these posts are not representative of the actual accident scene.

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